
InafootballmatchCristianoRonaldoandtheBallBoybumpintoeachother.Thenextmorningtheyfindthemselvesindifferentbodies.,“TheSwitch”becamethelongestfootballfilmevercreatedforNike.Itneededtoemphasizethatnomatterwhoyouare—prooraspiringfootballer—youhave ...,Nike:TheSwitch(S)isafilmdirectedbyRinganLedwidgewithCristianoRonaldo,GersonCorreiaAdua,JavierMascherano,RaphaëlVarane,SteveHealey.,,Nikewantedtofea...


In a football match Cristiano Ronaldo and the Ball Boy bump into each other. The next morning they find themselves in different bodies.

Nike The Switch

“The Switch” became the longest football film ever created for Nike. It needed to emphasize that no matter who you are—pro or aspiring footballer—you have ...


Nike: The Switch (S) is a film directed by Ringan Ledwidge with Cristiano Ronaldo, Gerson Correia Adua, Javier Mascherano, Raphaël Varane, Steve Healey .


Nike wanted to feature one of the top footballers in the world, as well as include the football obsessed teen (not simply talk to him).